Méhpempő és manukaméz krém, 4 oz (113 g) Korsó
9490<h2 class="body-more-heading-second">Benefits of Manuka Honey Cream</h2> <p>Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand. The skin healing properties are well-known worldwide. In recent years the Manuka Honey has been formulated in a cream for both a skin and hair care product. Our Manuka Honey Cream works well as a facial moisturizer, which helps most skin types, to fight aging wrinkles and give relief to dry, sunburned or other related skin problems</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-second">What does Royal Jelly & Manuka Honey Cream do?</h2> <p>We add Royal Jelly because of its anti-aging properties and wrinkle-reducing power derived from the Queen Bee. <span style="line-height: 19px;">Both carefully collected from the native ecosystems of these buzzing insects, Piping Rock is pleased to present a perfectly balanced combination of Manuka Honey and Royal Jelly in a cream that'll leave your skin feeling moisturized, nourished and positively glowing! Applying this cream to dry skin will soak the skin in hydration while protecting it from the environmental factors we face every day.</span></p> <p>Feel the rush of confidence and watch heads turn as your touchably soft skin evokes the attention it deserves! This non-greasy formula is suitable to wear underneath sunscreen and make-up.</p>Méhpempő és manukaméz krém, 4 oz (113 g) Korsó
9490<h2 class="body-more-heading-second">Benefits of Manuka Honey Cream</h2> <p>Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand. The skin healing properties are well-known worldwide. In recent years the Manuka Honey has been formulated in a cream for both a skin and hair care product. Our Manuka Honey Cream works well as a facial moisturizer, which helps most skin types, to fight aging wrinkles and give relief to dry, sunburned or other related skin problems</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-second">What does Royal Jelly & Manuka Honey Cream do?</h2> <p>We add Royal Jelly because of its anti-aging properties and wrinkle-reducing power derived from the Queen Bee. <span style="line-height: 19px;">Both carefully collected from the native ecosystems of these buzzing insects, Piping Rock is pleased to present a perfectly balanced combination of Manuka Honey and Royal Jelly in a cream that'll leave your skin feeling moisturized, nourished and positively glowing! Applying this cream to dry skin will soak the skin in hydration while protecting it from the environmental factors we face every day.</span></p> <p>Feel the rush of confidence and watch heads turn as your touchably soft skin evokes the attention it deserves! This non-greasy formula is suitable to wear underneath sunscreen and make-up.</p>DHT férfiaknak és nőknek, 60 Bevonatos tabletta
Current price: HUF Ft 4,118Original price: HUF Ft 10,989Hialuronsav szérum, 1 fl oz (30 mL) Szivattyús palack
Current price: HUF Ft 2,735Original price: HUF Ft 4,256C-vitamin szérum 12%+, 2 fl oz (59 mL) Cseppentőpalack
Current price: HUF Ft 3,157Original price: HUF Ft 4,897„Amla” hajolaj, 8 fl oz (236 mL) Palack
Current price: HUF Ft 2,286Original price: HUF Ft 4,118Kolagenski serum, 1 fl oz (30 mL) Szivattyús palack
Current price: HUF Ft 2,749Original price: HUF Ft 5,493
További Tájékoztatás
Benefits of Manuka Honey Cream
Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand. The skin healing properties are well-known worldwide. In recent years the Manuka Honey has been formulated in a cream for both a skin and hair care product. Our Manuka Honey Cream works well as a facial moisturizer, which helps most skin types, to fight aging wrinkles and give relief to dry, sunburned or other related skin problems
What does Royal Jelly & Manuka Honey Cream do?
We add Royal Jelly because of its anti-aging properties and wrinkle-reducing power derived from the Queen Bee. Both carefully collected from the native ecosystems of these buzzing insects, Piping Rock is pleased to present a perfectly balanced combination of Manuka Honey and Royal Jelly in a cream that'll leave your skin feeling moisturized, nourished and positively glowing! Applying this cream to dry skin will soak the skin in hydration while protecting it from the environmental factors we face every day.
Feel the rush of confidence and watch heads turn as your touchably soft skin evokes the attention it deserves! This non-greasy formula is suitable to wear underneath sunscreen and make-up.
Ionmentes víz, Aloe vera dzsúsz (Aloe barbadensis)(levél), Izopropil-mirisztát, Glicerol-monosztearát, Sztearinsav, Poliakrilamid, C13-14 izoparaffin, Laureth-7, Napraforgó olaj (Helianthus annuus), Méhpempő (apis mellifera), Manukaméz, Uborka kivonat (cucumis sativus) (termés), Vadon nőtt mexikói jam kivonata (dioscorea villosa), Fitonadion (K-vitamin), Fenoxietanol, Etil-hexil-glicerinUtasítások:
Use daily. Apply a generous amount and gently massage into your skin. For extra-dry skin apply as needed during the day.FIGYELMEZTETÉS:
For external use only. Do not ingest. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin or areas affected by rashes. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if skin sensitivity occurs. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use on children or animals. Keep out of reach of children.A PipingRock minőség iránti elkötelezettségét támogatja fejlett belső elemző tesztelésünk is
A PipingRock a legjobb minőséget garantálja, mivel mi saját, modern létesítményeinkben tervezzük, gyártjuk és teszteljük kiegészítőinket.
GMO-mentességi ígéret
A PipingRocknál számunkra az Ön egészsége a legfontosabb. A genetikailag módosított élőlények (GMO-k) számos táplálékkiegészítőben előfordulnak, bár nem bizonyított, hogy hosszú távon biztonságos a fogyasztásuk. A PipingRock elkötelezett aziránt, hogy folyamatosan, széles körben bővítse termékpalettáját GMO-mentes termékekkel és prémium minőséget biztosítson vásárlóinak, genetikai módosítások nélkül.
100% elégedettségi garancia
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